Friday, January 13, 2012

Astronomy Cast- Giovanni Cassini.

Cassini was an Italian astronomer that dedicated most of his life to discovering most of Saturn's moons. The space probe cassini was also sent to further examinate the Saturnian moons. He was born in 1625, and so he was growing up learning about all these things going on, but he got to follow far enough behind them that he had much better optics to play with. Cassini got his PhD at age 25, and he had this interesting joint career where he was working in Bologna. he also made huge contributions in the fields of Mathematics and Physics. He was the first one to realize that Saturn's rings had divisions in them. He also discovered the rate of rotation of the planet Jupiter. Cassini was also very precise with his calculations. he tried to write down everything at the exact time of him noticing it.

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