Friday, January 13, 2012

Astronomy cast- Craters

There are many moons in the galaxy and on every moon there are tons of craters! There are several different names for the rocks that hit the planets and leave these imprints. Chondrites are the most common and they are basically iron meteors that crash on the surface of a planet and leave a crater. The angle of impacts affects what direction the ejecta travels. This is the cloud of material that gets thrown out of the ground and spewed in different directions. The shape of the crater depends on how the material from the initial impacts rises and later settles on the surface again. This is also affected by the angle of impact. For this reason there are many craters that have rings from the center to the outer part of the crater. You end up with craters that have neat layers layered through them with all sorts of different morphologies depending on where you hit. Craters are fascinating as they can carry substance from a planet from a very far place.

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