Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Astronomy Cast- Future Civilizations

There are many things in the universe that could potentially eliminate our world. Such as the sun and asteroids and even ourselves as we are destroying our own planet. However if we were to survive for another hundred years what are the possibilities of us forming civilizations on other places in the universe. One of the possible projects for the future is the first real super-giant huge in-space structures that we’re likely to see are, first of all just a colony on the moon. It will probably start as the equivalent of a trailer park on the moon, something built down, hollowed into the sides of craters.  Our first mega-structure is likely to be built roughly under the surface of the moon. One of the reasons that huge modern day structures arent possible on the moon immediately is because there is radiation on the moon. if we ever figure out how to deal with radiation without requiring dirt, water, earth… something between us and the solar wind. If humans can make that breakthrough, suddenly the doors open to create much more exciting mega-structures.  Here on the planet Earth, we’re protected by our own magnetosphere. the wonderful magnetic field that comes along with the north and south magnetic poles that allow us to navigate. The moon doesn’t have that sort of a magnetic field. If you get high enough up in the Earth’s orbit, you don’t have enough protection in orbit

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