Friday, February 24, 2012

Biography Sources

Works Cited

"Edward Charles Pickering." NNDB: Tracking the entire world. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2012. <
"The Bruce Medalists: Edward C. Pickering." SSU Department of Physics & Astronomy - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2012.
"Biographical Memoir." Biographical Memoir. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2012. <>.

Friday, February 17, 2012

APOD 3.5

The Rosette is a cosmic cloud of dust and gas, that also resembles flowers. At the ledge of the large molecular clouds in the constellation Monocerous. These stars are in the NGC 2244 and are only a few million years old. This nebula can be seen first hand with a small telescope toward the constellation Monocerous. The 'petals' of this Nebula are sculpted by the winds and the radiation from its hot, young central stars.

Friday, February 10, 2012

APOD 3.4

The constellation Orion is 16,000 light years away and it contains mass amounts of dust particles. These dust particles were made in the outer atmospheres of very large cool stars.  A cool star, or carbon star is made up of more carbon than oxygen and is similar to a red giant. Another forming star cluser, Trapezium, is also found in this nebula. The Orion nebula is very active right now and is therefore producing more of these dust particles as stars are cooling down.

APOD 3.3

There is a very unique green light that eminates from our planet in the northern pole. This is commonly known as the aurora borealis. This natural effect occurs when there is a mass coronal ejection. This ejection produces a huge electromagnetic storm. As our sun is highly active at this moment it is producin more ejection and then this result in more storms and this causes a more widespread effect in both the northern and southern lights.

Friday, February 3, 2012

APOD 3.2

As the rover Opportunity spent the last winter on mars there were many worries in the NASA space program that its batteries could finally die out. The rover was not sure of where to go. The rover was instructed to climb Greenley's Haven at a 15 degree angle. This haven is visible from a long distance away. The exploration of this haven will end in a couple of months and the end of the martian winter.

APOD 3.1

 The Witch Head Nebula, is a relfection nebula. This nebula reflects light from the multiple bright stars in its surrounding. This nebula lies 1000 light years away and is associated with the red giant Rigel which is located in the constellation, Orion the hunter. It can more effectively reflect the color blue because of the same effect reproduced on Earth. The molecule in the air mixed with the light from the sun gives off a blue color.