Friday, December 16, 2011

APOD 2.6

On December 10th, a total solar eclipse occured. Many pictures were taken before and after the solar eclipse. This picture was taken over Shanti Stupa Peace Pagoda in New Delhi, India. The moon was tinted red, which was created by the sunlight first passing through the Earth's atmosphere which scatters blue light but refracts red light. Each eclipse has its own appearance as there are different amounts of dust particles in the air.

APOD 2.5

The sun is getting more active every year. This will result in the auroras to be brighter and more astonishing. The aurora over Norway was one of the most memorable of the season. There were visible mixtures of red and green lights and some stars are seen in the background. There is also and auroral corona, rays and distant curtains.

APOD 2.4

ALMA (Atacama larger milimeter array) is located on the chilean andes on the chajnantor plateau where the atmosphere is extremely dry and 50% sea level pressure. It is designed to explore the universe at wavelengths of 1000 times longer than visible light. It is the largest astronomical project in existence and is a partnership between North America, Europe and Asia. the meteors streak covers the night.