Friday, November 18, 2011

APOD 2.3

This image shows a chromatic bow being created in Iceland. In this pic there is a waterfall, chromatic bow, and an aurora. In the sky the Big Dipper can be seen which is part of Ursa Major.  It is not a rainbow since the water is from the waterfall and not from rain. The water is being illuminated by the nearly full moon.

Friday, November 11, 2011

APOD 2.2

Nanmen Asterism might be the first supernova ever recorded in history which was spotted in 185AD by chinese explorers. This picture is showing the gas created by the expanding explosion. This supernova is 8200 light years away and is about 50 light years in radius. This certain type of supernova can destroy anything in its pass including dwarf stars and zombies. This supernova also accreates space debris from its binary star companion- CHAIT

Friday, November 4, 2011

APOD 2.1

This picture shows are pretty clear astronomical object called Cepheus Flare, which contains several star forming regions. It is located in the northern Milky Way, and in the constellation Cepheus. This molecular clous is located 1,200 light years away. this system is crumbling apart and is similar in its stage as a binary star in its infancy. THIS CLOUD IS SO CHAIT like 10-20